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Pomodoro Timer Shell Script

Found this in an old blog where i wanted to write about software.

So 2 years ago i learned about the Pomodoro technique where you basically focus on working without any distractions for a set time, say 25 mins, then have a break for 5 mins. Sort of a mini sprint. I found the idea interesting and unfortunately got distracted into writing this script for a timer on my desktop. Its a bit messy but it does the job.

Should work well for ubuntu or elementary OS or probably anything running debian based linux as well.

# BASH pomodoro timer: Starts a timer for 25 mins for work,
# then 5 mins for rest. This is based on the pomodoro technique.
# 20140612

function print_bar {
TERMCOLS=$(tput cols)
BARLEFT=$(($1 * $BARWIDTH / $2))
BAR=$(printf ‘#%.0s’ `seq 1 $BARLEFT`)$(printf ‘.%.0s’ `seq 1 $BARDONE`})
TIME=$((($THEN – $NOW)/60))

printf “%8s [%.${BARWIDTH}s] \r” $1 $BAR

function countdown {
NOW=$(date +%s)
THEN=$(($NOW + $1))

echo Due: $(date -d @$THEN)

while [ $THEN -gt $NOW ]; do
print_bar $(($THEN – $NOW)) $1

if [ `echo “$(($THEN – $NOW))%30” | bc` -eq 0 ]; then
notify-send “Pomodoro Timer” `echo “$(($THEN – $NOW))/60″ | bc`”:”`echo “$(($THEN – $NOW))%60″ | bc`” mins left.” -i clock

sleep 1
NOW=$(date +%s)

print_bar 0 $1
function countdownrest {
NOW=$(date +%s)
THEN=$(($NOW + $1))

echo Due: $(date -d @$THEN)

while [ $THEN -gt $NOW ]; do
print_bar $(($THEN – $NOW)) $1

if [ `echo “$(($THEN – $NOW))%30” | bc` -eq 0 ]; then
notify-send “Pomodoro Timer” `echo “$(($THEN – $NOW))/60″ | bc`”:”`echo “$(($THEN – $NOW))%60″ | bc`” mins left.” -i face-laugh

sleep 1
NOW=$(date +%s)

print_bar 0 $1

countdown 1500
echo -e ‘\n\aTimer finished.’
paplay /home/hazlan/Tools/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-15/data/res/raw/fallbackring.ogg
which notify-send >/dev/null && notify-send “Pomodoro Work Timer [25mins] finished. Go rest 5mins.” -i face-laugh

countdownrest 300
echo -e ‘\n\aTimer finished.’
paplay /home/hazlan/Tools/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-15/data/res/raw/fallbackring.ogg
which notify-send >/dev/null && notify-send “Rest Work Timer [5mins] finished. Go back to work! ” -i face-cool

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